Evan turned three, and Ryan turned two.
I got the flu on SuperBowl Sunday.
Chris and I spent Valentines day weekend in Hilton Head were the weather luckily that weekend was in the 70's both days and we got a small taste of spring time at the beach..
Daylight savings came early and the kids began to stay up later and later....
The boys did their first Easter egg hunt at church and gave the Easter Bunny a hug (or at least Evan did Ryan was still a little scared).
Chris traveled to Las Vegas for 5 days for work and Mommy officially spent the longest time to date without his help, making me realize how I can't do any of this without him (or my other boyfriend called Mr. Bud Light.)
My best friend from college and his wife came to visit and got to meet Evan and Ryan for the first time.
Chris and I began to talk about maybe trying for one more baby.
I started our family blog and the Steele Creek Moms club blog and I write now more than I used to realizing how much I love to write and how much I miss it.
I became a permanent member on the choir at church, and fell in love with songs about God that I never thought I would listen too.
Chris and I celebrated our 5 year wedding anniversary
We had a yard sale and made $300.
Chris went to 3 NASCAR races, I went to one which was plenty for me.
I threw a baby shower for my twin sister who was soon to be a first time Mom
I watched Evan "graduate" from his very first year of preschool.
We took an amazing vacation in Cocoa Beach Florida and saw a rocket launch from Cape Caniveral.
Evan officially became potty trained.
My first friend when I moved here died of a rare lung cancer. She was only 34.
Two of my Mommy friends from kindermusick class moved away.
Chris turned 37 and I turned 36.
My sister gave birth to Jackson Hayes Saine and blessed our family with a new adorable little miracle.
I submitted two articles to the folks who publish the Chicken Soup for the Soul series.... Still anxiously awaiting if one of them is chosen.....
Bruno had to have knee surgery, twice and gave us new meaning to taking care of our pets.
I visited my cousin Lori in Nags Head, NC for my once a year "Mommy free" getaway.
The boys had their first ever swimming lessons.
My great Aunt Alice passed away.
I became Secretary of the Mom's Club.
My Nana turned 91.
Ryan began his first year of preschool while Evan went back for his second.
Mommy was alone for three days a week for the first time since having kids.
I began to baby sit for Jackson once a week, getting a real handle on what life could be like with three kids.
Chris and I ceased our discussions for a third child.
We took a late summer vacation in Florida to see Chris parents and visit our favorite place called Capt Hirams Resort in Sebastian Florida.
We witnessed a victim who had been bitten by a string ray. She would eventually be okay.
The boys really got into Halloween this year and went trick or treating for the first time with Chris.
For the first time in my life I didn't vote Republican.
I had kidney stones.
I actually slowed down for the holidays and enjoyed being with the boys as they began to really understand about Christmas.
We actaully were awake this year to see the ball drop in Times Square.
2009 looms in front of me with excitement,hope and change. I knew last year how lucky I was. This year I hope I spend more time not taking this life for granted. I want to try and be a better person, a better Mom a better wife and a better Christian. I know it won't be easy but hey- it's a new year. A great place to start.
Mary, what an awesome post! You remembered 2008 really well! I've already forgot what year it is. hee hee. Love to you!
Mary, I always enjoy your posts. This one is a great idea, and I'm inspired to do something like this myself. Happy new year!
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