Saturday, May 31, 2008

My Ryan Then and Now but still the Same.

My early bird. 7 weeks exactly. Came into this world before he was really ready and on days I still think he is mad about that. He has this spitfire little way about him that Evan never had. But just when I find myself starting to compare the personality traits in my boys I stop and remember that as their mother that's really not my job. Well most of the time it's not my job. Instead I feel that a big part of my job is nurturing their differences and teaching them to be okay in their own skin and encouraging them to just be themselves. Evan is a lot like me. He has this sensitive side to him that I can relate to. I worry about his heart getting broken when he is a teenager and some girl crushes him (more about an idea brewing in my head on how to keep the boys from dating and driving until they are 25 in a later post).
But My Ryan, he is all together different. He always has been and probably always will be, and yet the thing is I am in awe of him. From the moment he came into this world early he has been a fighter. He fights for what he wants, he is strong he is a leader he is funny and sweet and somewhat of a bully at times but that's just who he is. We are into the two's right now with Ryan and there is no hiding the fact that he is a hard two year old. His stubborn streak is really starting to shine and has been really giving me a run for my money. But so did Evan, and so do all two year olds and I find myself still wanting to treat Ryan with kid gloves. He was early.....5 pounds when he was born via emergency C section on a rainy Saturday night. I only saw him for a few seconds before they whisked him away to the NICU and I could hear his breathing, labored almost rattling like a bird. Lungs they said, his lungs needed to be checked out first of all. His lungs, his ability to take in air and breathe. But his lungs were good. Only 24 hours on oxygen and much to the NICU nurses surprise he was okay breathing on his own after that. My Ryan, my fighter. I still remember the fist time I saw him laying in the NICU so small all ready hooked up to tubes and wires. He was sleeping of course but I overheard one of the NICU nurses comment on for being so early he was a feisty little dude. Yup, that's him, My Ryan. My heart, my insides, my hell on earth on some days but in a nutshell my everything. In awe of him is an understatement. I you could fall in love with your own child more and more every day that might sum it up. He's hard to like sometimes....But so easy to fall in love with again and again again and again. My sweet baby......I love you so.


Unknown said...

Mary, every time I come in here I end up crying... either from laughing so hard or from a post that melts my heart!! This one melted my heart. Nothing scarier than watching your tiny infant hooked up to 15 wires keeping them alive. But look at our kiddos now!!!

ODonnell Family Blog said...

Are you satisfied? You made me cry. Very sweet. No. Very, very sweet!

Varna said...

Sweet sweet post Mary! Happy Birthday to Ryan!

megan said...

Isn't the comparison game hard? They're all so different and I know that, yet I find that I'm constantly comparing everything, from temper, to eating, to size, to sleeping, on and on. As a good friend always tells me "Comparison is the thief of joy". So true! Enjoy every minute with your little firecracker :)

Amy J said...

Aw, what a sweet post!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Ryan! Where did the 2 years go? I remember the NICU experience all too well with Brady, he was (and most definitely still is!) a fighter in every sense of the word. You have such a wonderful way with words, thank you for sharing!