Wednesday, March 19, 2008

It doesn't seem possible that Evan and Ryan are toddlers now. Well, actually preschoolers. is that right?? When did this happen?? It doesn't hit me until I see pictures of them and I see how much they have turned into little people instead of babies. Of course they will ALWAYS be my babies but I see changes in them every day that give my flashes of who they are and who they will become. Don't get me wrong I still see their sweet little baby faces when I look at them. But more and more I see my "boys" and I have never been more proud.

They are totally different kids. Evan is my tenderheart. The senstive one, Ryan is the tough guy (as my husband like to baost proudly "the stud"). Evan will still curl up in my lap and sit there for as long as I let him, just hanging out with Mommy. Ryan will sit on my lap for oh, I 'd say a minute or two then he is off and busy with something else. Nonstop, that one. Evan is busy too it's just a different busy. Evan loves trains, cars and anything that clicks, hooks up or makes noise. My future little enginer I think. Ryan loves anything that involves activity. Climbling, kicking a ball, running, and standing on his head. Ryan is the reason I have sprouted a few more greay hairs of late. So much fun these guys, and fianlly starting to see each other as friends.

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