Evan and Ryan on their first day of school.
Well another year (okay 9 months) has come and gone and summer has officially begun. I recognize my current state of neurosis from last year when Evan preschool ended and I was stuck with the reality of having both boys to entertain every day for 12 hours (at least) with a minimum effect on the wallet and my sanity. But as we mother's always do we put on our game faces and dive into the summer with fierce determination that this yes THIS will be the summer of simple laid back proportion's. That is my hope anyways for this year. Currently I have the boys signed up for only one camp and that is it. I am sure as we get settled deeper into the summer weeks swim lessons will follow as well as more playgroups, pool dates with Mommy friends who belong to pools (love them) and lot's and lot's of backyard entertainment. I just hope they don't grow bored with the plastic pool I purchased for them last week. IF anything it looks lovely currently leaned up against the side of our house. Will it ever stop raining???
But, not to get side tracked... I did want to dedicate this post to looking back on preschool. For Evan this was year number 2. Like last year, he settled right in and seemed ready for the start of the year. He had new teachers this year, Ms. Trisha and Ms. Karen who were truly wonderful. This year in school he became more independent more willing to try new things (yes even vegetables) and can now write his name (sort of) It was a year for his first "report card" and my first parent teacher conference. I was told by his teachers that Evan is a very proud little boy and likes to do things his own way. This stubborn streak he clearly get's from his father (although I am sure he would argue with me on this). Evan took his little jobs in school very seriously and would get his feelings hurt pretty quick if something bad would happen. Over the whole year he only had a few bumps with having to sit in the "thinking chair" mainly for not sharing. If I sound like I am bragging I am (he is my child and it's my duty). As for me I watched Evan grow from a shy tender spirited little boy to a humble and of so smart and curious 4 year old. I think he enjoyed science the best and still sings the "Sticky sticky bubble gum" song every day. I know school has been so good for him as he is a true problem solver and likes and maybe even needs to be challenged mentally. I can already catch glimpses of him doing his homework probably not needing much help from me (if he does he is in trouble since I can barely add 2+2). I am so proud of him. My baby. All grown up. Sort of he is just 4 but still. You all know what I mean.
And then there was Ryan. I type this with a smile on my face because it pretty much sums up his year as well. He was so excited and anxious to go to school with Evan this year. He only cried a few times when it was time to leave him with his teachers, Ms. Ann and Ms. LaDonna who were also just as wonderful. The first few weeks the only tricky part was he refused and I mean REFUSED to have his diaper changed. It was a puzzle to us all since he never gave me any trouble at home nor had I seen him refuse having his diaper changed. It was a mystery for about two weeks and I had visions of having to go into school every time Ryan needed his diaper changed, when the mystery resolved itself. Turns out the teachers would put on latex gloves when changing diapers that Ryan immediately associated latex gloves with being at the doctors office and getting a shot (He had a round of ear infections last summer and shots were probably still fresh in his mind). When he finally said or rather sobbed to his teachers and the words "no globes" tumbled out did she realize the issue. So, for Ryan's tushy no gloves. Problem solved. Thank goodness for understanding preschool teachers...
Ryan who has always been in his own silly little world seemed to also benefit this year, especially being around other kids his own age and not in the shadow of his brother. I would watch him sometimes after dropping him off and he would always go right to the circles of friends sit down and just join in. I see a born leader in Ryan (once again exercising my bragging rights). He marches to his own tune but is sweet and so freaking adorable that kids seemed drawn to him. This of course not always the case as Ryan too has his issues of not wanting to share, a couple pushing issues and my personal favorite Spitting. I had to work with him a few times on listening to his teachers and using "kind and gentle" hands. When I dropped him off in September he was still in diapers still had baby chunk and still napped every day. Now he is fully potty trained, has lost most if not all of his baby fat (waaaahhhhhhh....) and doesn't nap every day like he used to. He is a boy now, a growing boy and I am so proud of him.
As for me here is what I will miss and of course not miss:
I won't miss the craziness of trying to get out of the house on time despite my best efforts to have everything packed the night before.
I won't miss scouring the house for their shoes as I can never ever find them on those oh so famous late days.
I won't miss making and packing lunches as it gets hard to get creative with variety for two little boys who only want to eat chocolate pudding.
I won't miss always over looking the notices sent home in their folders as to what's happening this week. Many oh times I had to scramble to come up with show and tells, projects and operation shoe box so my child won't be left out and therefore permanently scared for life. Next year I will have to do better at actually reading what gets sent home and not just stacking on my calendar.
What I will miss...
Seeing the other Mom's in carpool line and making new friends.
The happy smiling faces of the boys when they see I have come to pick them up.
Getting good reports on either child and beaming with pride as I take them home convinced I am the best Mom in the world (this fake feeling of perfection only lasts about 3 minutes but I enjoy all the same).
And probably what I will miss most of all is that fro 3 days a week I had 4 hours all to myself. I wish I had some fantastic end of year accomplishment that I could show off proving I was indeed productive in my free time. The book that I starting writing years ago that I was convinced I would finish still lies unfinished and barely tweaked. The house isn't much cleaner (although I did create a "craft" cabinet one day and now all crayons, markers, coloring books and paint utensil have the same address). Yeah me!!
Nope, when all is said and done I think I spent the first half of the year with my free time wandering around Target. And the second half of the year wandering around the other side of Target. And now summer is here and my free time is gone. As I finish this post (finally I know) I realize that everything is going to be okay. That for the last 4 and 1/2 years I have had the complete honor and joy of being Ryan and Evan's Mommy. As they grow up and school hours turn into 6 hours a day 5 days a week I will savor this age, savor that I still get to be with them. Crazy as they make me sometimes....and I mean CRAZY crazy...when all is said and done I am alright with that!
Evan and Ryan on the last day of school.